Continuous improvement of avalanche airbags cannot be achieved without users’ feedback. Laboratory or simulated field tests can never replace use in real avalanche conditions. The aim of gathering this information is to study the behaviour of airbags in avalanche and to guide future developments that will improve their efficiency. This information is shared with the Association Nationale pour l'Etude de la Neige et des Avalanche (ANENA), a non-profit organisation whose mission is to improve safety in the face of risks associated with snow and avalanches, and with whom we collaborate as part of our training programmes.

Contact details






cm max

cm near the victim


Details caught persons


Pers. 1

Pers. 2

Pers. 3

Pers. 4

Please describe the avalanche accident

Details of rescue and a personal report with subjective impression of impact of the avalanche airbag during the release, during the avalanche and at avalanche standstill.Was the release with handle easy or problematic? Predominantly in prone or supine position? Predominantly on or in the avalanche? Were you whirled around? How strong was the pull of the airbag from the belt? Photos or sketches of the avalanche are very welcome. Thank you!

If you have photos or sketches of the avalanche, please attach them. Here is the list of authorized files.

Accepted formats: maximum 2 MB in jpg, png, jpeg, or pdf